R.E. Coordinator: Mrs. Nadine Destine
Contact: (954)-943-6801 – Email: religioused.ste@att.net
Religious Education: September – May
6:30-7:45 pm – Please meet by the church.
9:30-10:15 am – Please drop off by the Parish Hall / Cafeteria
* Children must arrive 10-15 min. before classes start.
We also provide Religious Education classes for children in Kindergarten and students who have received their First Communion but are not of age for Confirmation classes.
For current students, don’t forget to bring in:
- Child’s Baptism certificate
- Annual fee
* We realize that the current situation may have created financial stress. We do not want this to deter you from registering your child/children for Religious Education. Please feel free to contact the religious education office; we will work with you in the strictest confidence regarding such matters.
*Somos conscientes de que la situación actual puede haber creado estrés financiero. No queremos que esto le impida inscribir a su hijo (a) a la Catequesis. No dude en cominicarse con la oficina de Educacion Religiosa; Trabajaremos con usted en la mas estricta confidencialidad con respecto a estos asuntos.
To make a payment CLICK HERE! Para hacer un pago haga click en el enlace AQUI!
Our hope is to support and partner with you to bring your children and youth catechesis in a way that works for you and also complies with guidelines set by our governor, county executive and the Archdiocese of Miami. We will send you more information regarding the way classes and safety guidelines will be implanted in the fall.
Thank your continued patience and support!
Nuestra esperanza es apoyarlo y asociarnos con usted para llevarles la catequesis de niños y jóvenes de una manera que funcione para usted y que también cumpla con las pautas establecidas por nuestro gobernador, el ejecutivo del condado y la Arquidiócesis de Miami. Le enviaremos más información sobre la forma en que se implantarán las clases y las pautas de seguridad en el otoño.
¡Gracias por su continua paciencia y apoyo!
Religious Education here at St. Elizabeth of Hungary is offered to the children of our parish family. We serve a student population of almost 500 children ages Kindergarten through 12th grade or Confirmation age.
Classes are taught by parish volunteers who are trained as catechists and have completed the Archdiocese of Miami background check. The main qualifications to be part of the religious education team are a love of God and a love of children!
Religious Education is designed for children who do not attend a Catholic school. Students who attend our program are students in public schools or in non-Catholic private schools. Children’s classes are organized by grade level and age appropriate groups and the books and materials that are used have all be approved by the Archdiocese of Miami. If you are interested in participating in our program or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nadine Destine at 954-943-6801 in the Religious Education Office Monday – Thursday.
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Religious Education Program seeks to reach children from kindergarten through High School by proclaiming Christ’s message through instruction, prayer experiences, and the sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. We realize that our ministry is accomplished in partnership with the parents who are the primary catechists. Together we will proclaim Christ’s message, develop Christian community, lead the students in prayer and worship and motivate them to do Christian service.
The Catholic Church considers the parents to be the primary catechists of their children. The education of a student is a partnership between the parents and the religious education program.
WE BELIEVE, that the purpose of our catechetical ministry is to proclaim authentically and fully the message of Jesus, to foster an understanding of and build community in all areas of life, and to encourage service to each other for the good of all.
WE BELIEVE, that you have entrusted your children to us to deepen the Faith you have given them as parents.
WE BELIEVE, that with your cooperation, such as, attending parent meetings, celebrating the Eucharist and the Sacraments together, and reinforcing Christian values in your homes, we can help you, help your child grow in their faith as they journey with you.
WE BELIEVE, that the goal of religious education through formation is to make us aware of the action of God in our lives, both within us and outside of us. That religious formation is faith brought to understanding.
THEREFORE, we will work with you to awaken this awareness in your children and encourage them to gradually accept responsibility for their own Christian development, as they are able.